
This part describes how to set up your own OpenRefine with the metadata extension and how to configure it according to your needs.


There are two ways of using our metadata extension for OpenRefine. You can have installed OpenRefine and add extension to it or use Docker with our prepared image.

Installed OpenRefine

This option requires you to have installed compatible version of OpenRefine, please check Compatibility. In case you need to install OpenRefine first, visit their documentation.

  • Get the desired version of the metadata extension from our GitHub releases page by downloading tgz or zip archive, e.g.,

  • Extract the archive to extensions folder of your OpenRefine (see OpenRefine documentation).

unzip path/to/openrefine-X.Y/webapp/extensions

With Docker

If you want to use Docker, we provide a Docker image fairdata/openrefine-metadata-extension that combines the extension with OpenRefine of supported version. It is of course possible to use volume for the data directory (eventually data/extensions to include other extensions). All you need to have is Docker running and then:

docker run -p 3333:3333 -v /home/me/openrefine-data:/data:z fairdata/openrefine-metadata-extension

This will run the OpenRefine with metadata extension on port 3333 that will be exposed and mounts your folder /home/me/openrefine-data as OpenRefine data folder. You should be able to open OpenRefine in browser on localhost:3333. If there are some other extensions in /home/me/openrefine-data/extensions, those should be loaded as well. For more information, see OpenRefine documentation.

For configuration files you need to mount /webapp/extensions/metadata/module/config, see Configuration for more details.


Configuration files of the metadata extension use the YAML format and are stored in extensions/metadata/module/config directory of the used OpenRefine installment. The configuration files are loaded when OpenRefine is started. Therefore, you are required to restart OpenRefine before changes in configuration files take effect. We provide examples of the configuration files that you can (re)use.


Settings configuration file serves for generic configuration options that adjust behaviour of the extension. The structure of the file is following:

  • allowCustomFDP (boolean) = should be user allowed to enter custom FAIR Data Point URI, username, and password (or use only the pre-configured)

  • metadata (map) = key-value specification of instance-wide pre-defined metadata, e.g., set license to and that URI will be pre-set in all metadata forms in field license (but can be overwritten by the user)

  • fdpConnections (list) = list of pre-configured FAIR Data Point connections that users can use, each is object with attributes:

    • name (string) = custom name identifying the connection

    • baseURI (string) = base URI of FAIR Data Point

    • email (string) = email address identifying user of FAIR Data Point

    • password (string) = password for authenticating the user of FAIR Data Point

    • preselected (boolean, optional) = flag if should be pre-selected in the form (in case that more connections have this set to true, only first one is applied)

    • metadata (map, optional) = similar to instance-wide but only for specific connection


Storages configuration file holds details about storages that are possible to use for Store FAIR data feature. In the file, list of storage object is expected where each of them has:

  • name (string) = custom name identifying the storage

  • type (string) = one of the allowed types (others are ignored): ftp, virtuso, tripleStoreHTTP

  • enabled (string) = flag if should be offered to the user

  • username (string, optional) = username for authentication

  • password (string, optional) = password for authentication

  • host (string) = URI of the storage server

  • directory (string) = directory or other location for storing the data

For FTP and Virtuoso, directory should containt absolute path where files should be stored. In case of triple stores, repository name is used to specify the target location.


metadata extension


FAIR Data Point


3.3, 3.2



3.3, 3.2



3.3-beta, 3.2
