Here you can read how to use the metadata extension for OpenRefine to store FAIR data and create metadata in FAIR Data Point.
About metadata extension¶
The metadata extension for OpenRefine promotes FAIRness of the data by its integration with FAIR Data Point. With the extension you can easily FAIRify your data that you work on in directly in OpenRefine in two steps:
Store FAIR data in configured storage.
Create metadata in FAIR Data Point in selected FAIR Data Point.
It replaces the legacy project called FAIRifier.
The extension provides the features only through FAIR Metadata extension menu located in top right corner above data table (typically next to Wikidata and others).
Store FAIR data¶
Open the dialog for storing the data by clicking FAIR Metadata > Store data to FAIR storage
Select the desired storage (see Storages)
Select the desired format (the selection changes based on storage)
Press Preview (download) to download the file to verify the contents
Press Store to store the data in the storage
You will see the URL to the file which you can easy copy to clipboard by clicking a button
Create metadata in FAIR Data Point¶
Open the dialog for creating the metadata by clicking FAIRMetadata > Create metadata in FAIR Data Point
Select pre-configured FAIR Data Point connection or select Custom FDP connection and fill information (if allowed, see Settings)
Press Connect to connect to the selected FAIR Data Point
Select a catalog from available or create a new one
For a new one, fill in the metadata form (see also the optional fields) and press Create catalog
Select a dataset from available or create a new one
For a new one, fill in the metadata form (see also the optional fields) and press Create dataset
Create a new distribution
Fill in the metadata form (se also the optional fiels)
For the download URL you can easily access Store FAIR data feature and field will be filled after storing the data
Check your new distribution (and/or other layers) listed